Bonnie Ora Sherk: A Living Library & Think Park, Bryant Park, New York, 1981–83. Example of an International Garden, showcasing old-fashioned American horticultural methods.
Bonnie Ora Sherk: A Living Library & Think Park, Bryant Park, New York, 1981–83. Example of an International Garden, showcasing old-fashioned American horticultural methods.
The Harrisons: The Garden of Hot Winds and Warm Rains, 1996, from the project “Future Gardens,” 1995–. This drawing compares the potential for harvesting two biodiverse botanical groupings, which are adapted to temperature rises in wet and dry climates.
Map and photos from the Harrisons’ project Peninsula Europe IV, ca. 2011, showing (on right) the impact of introducing wetlands throughout southern Europe.
The Harrisons: San Diego as the Center of a World, 1974, a drawing comparing possible outcomes of global cooling and warming due to human intervention.
Maquette of an installation inspired by a court transcript of Aviva Rahmani’s mock trial, featuring suspended translucent panels and painted branches.
Aviva Rahmani: Blued Tress Symphony, 2015. The painted trees form the opening bass chords, with the rest of the performable score superimposed on a photo of a forest in Oneida County, New York, where Dominion Transmission has planned to expand its natural gas pipeline.
Betsy Damon: 7,000 Year Old Woman, 1977, performance, New York.
Betsy Damon’s assistant Denise Amses (left) and paper maker Helmut Baker (right) casting the bed of Castle Creek in Utah, for The Memory of Clean Water, 1985.
Bonnie Ora Sherk: A Living Library & Think Park, Bryant Park, New York, 1981–83. A plan proposing Gardens of Knowledge based on the Dewey Decimal System, International Gardens engaging various consulates and embassies, and a park with hands-on community programs.
Bonnie Ora Sherk: A Living Library & Think Park, Bryant Park, New York, 1981–83. International Banners surrounding the park to be presented in three different languages.
Bonnie Ora Sherk: A Living Library & Think Park, Bryant Park, New York, 1981–83. Entrance to the Bryant Park Living Library.
Photo of Bonnie Ora Sherk’s project (with Howard Levine) Portable Park I, 1970, on the Market Street freeway overpass in San Francisco.
Bonnie Ora Sherk: Portable Park II, 1970, formerly concrete islands next to to a freeway offramp in San Francisco.